live webcam?

29 Jul 2003
am looking for a software that streaming live from webcam at home so i can watch my hamsters from work :o

i dont really want to upload stream video to my webspace, dont think bulldog webspace could do this.

maybe something like msn but with server installed on my pc, client on my laptop so i can connect server by signing in client and viewing the webcam?

anyone know?
maybe we should talk... set up a nice set bit of some premium content im sure theres a niche market for it!
Hi there,

Could you not have the web cam open on the desktop of one of the PCs and Remote connect to it over the internet.

Not sure if this will work.

webcamxp i think the software is called where u can type in your ip and with in IE u can watch from anywhere in the world i did it once with my hamsters :) hehe
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