Liverpool Parade, alternate angle

18 Oct 2002
Nr. Liverpewl
As you've seen from DRZ's excellent shots there was a parade on Saturday in Liverpool. I whipped out the 100-400 and we waited with the other photographers there. However, I didn't like the angle as the sky was overcast. I didn't want bright white clouds. So I took off the 100-400, which DRZ then claimed, and ran across the road to get a different angle. So this is what I got.










cyKey said:
I don't quite get what you mean.

Well your colour shots seem to have some really nice processing done to them, the general 'style' of them seems very similar to the results i got from using the action that you posted earlier, i was just wondering if you used that action but altered it some way to get the great processing that you achieved on the colour shots. Hope this makes more sense :)
Great shots as always cyKey, cool angles and photo pop contrast processing :)
My only comment would be photo #3 framed slightly to the right
Excellent shots there Pete. I think I prefer DRZ's, but only cos I opened his thread first and got the added 'Wow' factor. :)
How do you get all that eye contact???? I really like the groups of people, rather than the ones singled out too. It shows some form of interaction, which I like. Nice set of shots, Pete and well done for trying something different :)
TerraS said:
Excellent shots there Pete. I think I prefer DRZ's, but only cos I opened his thread first and got the added 'Wow' factor. :)

I've been saying the same thing to DRZ :)

Lostkat said:
How do you get all that eye contact???? I really like the groups of people, rather than the ones singled out too. It shows some form of interaction, which I like. Nice set of shots, Pete and well done for trying something different :)

I think its because I was by myself and was very visible to the passing parade.

Thanks guys :)
i'll go along with the others and say that DRZ's shots are more impressive. I think the fact that some of your shots are desaturated takes the life and energy out of the images.

thanks for sharing though ;)
Your Black and White photos really "Steal the Show" :)

I'll practice the Action in PS
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