Llantwit Major

18 Sep 2005
Went for a short gander down to Llantwit Major today - second little jaunt with the D200, which I'm getting more used to now - first proper client shoot with it tommorow, but I'm pretty comfortable with it, so that should go swimmingly :)

I need to remember to up the ISO more, though - to be blunt, I don't like how clean the images are!

On to some snaps :

#1 Walking along the clifftops. Lovely, but the shoreline below looked lovelier, so I descended.

#2 Beach! Some good waves out at sea, lots of surfers about. I considered taking some shots of them, but time was short and I was more interested in the coast.

#3 Token IR shot, nothing special. The D200 is usable in a pinch for IR, but not a patch on the D70. In a like-for-like comparison the resolution the D70 outputs far outstrips that of the D200. And the exposure times are roughly three stops shorter. I'll be happy enough to use the D200 for IR if I'm sans D70, but there's really no point when I have the D70 with me.

#4 Harsh lines, harsh contrast.

#5 Rock pooly thing - was rather pleased with this one when I shot it, but didn't think much of it looking through the shots now :shrug:
#6 Decided that said rock pooly thing might offer some more interesting shots if I got down and dirty - so in I hopped an OMFGWOTSIT it was cold, so I screamed like a girl for a bit, snapped this without peeking through the viewfinder and then jumped back out. Fapping.

#7 Beach junk!

#8 More beach junk!

#9 Rocks, pebbles, sky, flowers & a little bit of beach. It was about here that I dropped the cap in the pebbles - you can see why I never found it :D

And that's yer lot, guys n' gals!
Oh - and before I forget, no judges per-lease!.
Gonna enter one of these in a second, bet none of you can guess which one :p

May change it later though!

Cheers jonifen :)
You really need to go back at dawn/dusk that will bring the scenery to life. I like all the shots, the cove with the deep green grass/seaweed is particuarly nice.
Absolutely agreed on the light - I was shooting in harsh midday light.
At the moment, though, a trip at ideal times isn't viable. So I make do with what is!
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