multicasting probably wouldnt help, if you have 5 pcs with 100mbit connections downloading from your 1 machine then multicasting would just flood them all, its only really usefull if your sending the same information to all of them
WLBS wont help you much in this case either, its not designed with file sharing in mind, more for things like web hits and terminal services connections
what you need really is a gbit nic and switch, each client can saturate their own 100mbit nic but all of them in total wouldnt saturate yours
id give up on the multiple nics idea, unless your prepared to buy expensive hp or dell ones your not likely to find teaming software that can turn them into one virtual nic that has the combined capacity of both,
gbit is cheaper and worth it, windows file sharing over it can be as quick as having the drives in the same machine if you have it on both