Load times

20 Jan 2004
Im mainly playing BF2 and have found that a few friends can load it up quicker than me despite the fact that my pc is higher spec. I know its not that hot but even so it’s a reasonable set up and Im fed up with being beaten in to a game by a 4 year old Dell.

AMD 64 3700 Sck 939
MSI K8N Neo Plat
2x1GB DDR XMS3500LL Pro
6800 GT
37gb Raptor
50gb Spin Point
2mg cable

Following the guides I shut down as many unwanted processes as possible.

So what makes for quick load times?

From desktop to login screen = I’m thinking HD speed is the key here?

Connecting to account server = Processor/ cable speed??

Once you’ve selected a server time to load map and start game = no idea (this is the bit where my system is slow)????

Any ideas/ hints

(Not sure which forum section this should go in, please move if needed)
Thanks The Voice, you think it could be just down to the hard drive? Ive defragged the HD, which was quite a mess after the many BF2 patches!
I use the raptor for the OS and BF2 and not much else.
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