Loan question

27 Mar 2013
Question for you guys. I took out a loan in Feb for my wife's car for 15k. Will I have any issues getting a second loan in a months time for a car for me? I have a credit score of 660 out of 710. The initial reason I took the loan out is that I've not checked my wifes credit history as it won't be as good as mine as we rented to just do stuff in my name (although we have a joint mortgage and she's had a contract phone for 20 years). Essentially all the utilities are in my name. Will it be a problem? I know it's a bit of a random question, affordability isn't an issue.
So we're going down the route of a tesco loan as a joint application. They've offered 3.8% which I didn't think was too bad, however I didn't make a note of the application number or any details, as I was expecting an email. I guess all I can do is wait a couple of working days for it to come through.
Taking out loan after loan is a sign of risk. Regardless of affordability.

It's why they also don't like gambling deposits for mortgages or crypto, etc.

I doubt you will get any better than what you did for a second loan. All you are doing now is more searches which is bad for your credit score.
The AA one was checked before the tesco one:cry:.
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