Locking up a f800st

12 Jul 2009
As the title suggests, I have a disc lock for the front wheel but have no idea how to route a chain, I'm assuming it goes through the frame/swing arm and rear wheel at some point rather than just round a wheel? I know it seems a really stupid question, but I've never had a bike before and it's silly things like this that seem to be confusing me :o
Lock it to something on the floor. When I leave mine in the city centre I just put the lock through the back wheel and the ground anchor they have in the bike bays. If they are prepared to take the wheel off they will have it one way or the other anyway.
The purpose of the chain is generally to keep the bike attached to something, as opposed to preventing it being rolled away. Just round the wheel/frame etc. they'd likely lift up the rear (or, you know, the whole bike and into a van).

So through the wheel and through - as Saga says - a ground anchor, or something else attached to the ground a bit.

Do you have a decent chain? (maybe google/search here before answering ;))
I picked up a 1.5m oxford hardcore xl as it satisfies the insurance, I know its not anywhere near the best around but it should suffice for any opportunists where the bikes being kept at work.
I getchya.

Well, if you attach it to something solid too, try and minimise slack (so a couple times through the wheel or whatever) - gives less room for people to arrange it for maximum cropping angle :). (Probably)
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