
10 Jan 2012
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All depends on where you're parking it at home/work etc. Disc lock for work/shopping - almax chain for home (yes they're a lot but there's a reason why) - however if it's a cheap chinese 125 then I probably wouldn't bother. If your bike is a 2014 fireblade however - chain, ground anchor, silent alarm, attack dogs are all worth it :D

Heh, nothing that fancy, looking for a used Yamaha YBR or Honda CBR125, or similar under £2000.
Spending £150+ on a chain+lock though, also need a disc lock as-well, makes my wallet cry....
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Well, you won't get an Almax chain and lock for less than that.


You must bare in mind, anything less than either an Almax or a Pragmasis chain, you are literally throwing your money away on something that is completely pointless.

A supposedly decent disc lock is near enough £60, turns out they can be defeated in seconds.
Oxford monster, kryptonite and what ever else chains are just as expensive and can be beaten in under a minute.

ic, so a 16mm Pragmasis is perfectly fine?
Theirs two version on there website, the Squire lock and the Untouchable lock.......Untouchable is more expensive but looks like you can't even get a grip on it with anything.
Just the chain its self is £114.95. Would be best to get one of the locks with them as-well?
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