Logical upgrade from an Nvidia GTX 970

4 Oct 2020
Hi guys,

Just after some general advice. In your opinion, for a Windows 10 pc, what would be the next logical step up from an Nvidia GTX 970 without busting the bank.

I've not really got an interest in going above 1080p if that makes a differance.

It would help to know the rest of your specs, just to have an idea if your going to be bottle necked or not e.g. CPU, RAM, PSU etc.

What monitor do you use exactly, I know 1080p but is it high refresh rate? (120Hz+) and what sorta games do you play?

I've got an Intel Core i7-2600 CPU 3.40GHz
My monitor is a Acre S271HL which I know isn't brilliant with 80kHz horizontal refresh rate and 75 Hz vertical.
12Gig or Ram, and I'm not sure about the PSU without opening up my PC.

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