Logistics of PC transport to/from Uni *opinions gained from experience*

6 Aug 2005
West Sussex

I am set to start Uni in October (Maths at either Cambridge or Warwick, just for the record) and obviously am going to be taking my precious and highly invested in desktop with me. However, terms are only 8 weeks, and so I will also still be spending a good deal of time at home. The question, to those with experience in such situations, is this: does it get annoying? It'd mean I'd have to get driven to/from Uni each time I go/come home as neither place is desperately keen on you taking a car, in fact Cambridge seem to try very hard to stop you. So, what are everyone's thoughts?

Also, I have z-5500 speakers, meaning I have a mahoosive sub to lug as well as desktop unit. And a little worried about stuff getting nicked.

I thought a possible solution might be to have a unit for WoW and internet at one place, and my main x1900xt desktop at the other? And, for the record, I'm not taking a laptop because speed typing notes for maths just isn't efficient.

Sorry for the long post, awaiting answers/ideas.

What I plan on doing is just buying two smaller speakers to do me while i'm away.

Then the day after a leave get someone to post the base unit etc etc to me, i'll be taking my heatsink of the processor and probably taking my hard drives out and just bringing them with me myself.
Sounds like an idea at least, although a lot of hastle. The two speakers plan sounds like a good idea, saves a lot of bulk. But sure posting the base unit is very expensive and a little worrying? I know, remove the heatsink, but still. Anyone with experience of this situation?

My parents drive me to uni and back before and after each term with my desktop PC. (I'm at Warwick actually - doing comp sci, not maths, but the maths department is nice if you end up here. :) ) It's survived 11 trips so far without a problem. If you always lock your door or whatever at uni then it shouldn't get nicked, but also make sure you have insurance anyway. Then if it does get nicked, you can still get a new one (although obviously this isn't preferable!).

It doesn't get annoying for me because I can get a lift there and back. If you can manage that, you should be fine really. I was a bit worried that the car bumping around/vibrations/etc might break something but as I said, 11 trips so far and it's been 100% fine.

It's also worth noting that I have an LCD screen - a CRT would be a quite a lot more hassle and less room on your desk.
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mate, good luck for a-levels etc.

you'll love cambridge once you get here. which college are you going to?

although our terms are only 8 weeks, they start on a thursday and run through to the wednesday. my college (queens') rents our rooms to us for nine so you arrive the weekend before and leave the weekend after term. gives you a few days before after term for catching up with friends/drinking/catching up with work. also has the advantage of parents being available over the weekend to drive your stuff up!

the car thing is totally true - forget bringing one. even the new colleges struggle for parking, and there is no convenient street parking anywhere nearby. that said, cambridge is tiny and its quicker to go by bike.

i envy you your speakers - bring the sub and all satellites - makes for great room parties.

as to stuff being nicked - college rooms are secure as long as you keep them locked. the colleges themselves are generally open during the day though, so there are a couple of incidents at the start of every year where some random wanders in and helps themselves - they know where the freshers live and target them as they won't recognise all their neighbours yet. but it really doesn't happen much, and as long as you lock your room even when you're just going to the kitchen you'll be fine. make sure you have insurance though just in case - your parents will probably be able to extend their home insurance to cover your stuff at uni, or endsleigh do some good student cover for about £30 per year.

hope this helps.
oh yeah, and yes, it gets very annoying. end of this term will be the 18th trip i'll have made to/from college with all my stuff. moving into a house down here next year - can't wait.
warwick have 10 week terms. i stayed in arthur vick there and you can store stuff in the cupboards when your not there. i rented a van though at the beginning and end of the year though cos it wouldnt all fit in my ford focus :p it does turn into a right chore after the first term though. glad im in a house up here now :)

hicric where were your halls first year?
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I've got my offer from Queens' college too! Small world eh? Thinking about speakers and stuff, I'd really quite like to take/show off them ;) . Thanks for all the input everyone, sounds like I'll just have to pray my parents are feeling nice, and get over having to move everything each term.

Ladforce said:
hicric where were your halls first year?

I was in arthur vick as well. :) The cupboards you can store stuff in are an option but I wouldn't really trust it to keep your hardware in to be honest - I had a well dodgy one that opened a bit even with a padlock on it. A decent yank would have had it clean off it's hinges!

Have fun with those speakers, Fluff_eei! :D
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