Logitech and their Astuonding Customer Service

Can't type for toffee
14 Jun 2004
Newcastle U/T
Another +1 for Logitechs immense customer service!

Squeezebox Duet dead at pretty much the last day of warranty.
Said i can choose an item on the store upto the value of what I paid.
This simply won't get me anything music streaming related, ask if they can replace with a SB touch, they ummed a arred and said very unlikely but we will email in 48hours...

20mins later an email, please reply with info to arrange collection of your old unit to be replaced with a SB Touch.

If only all companies were like this!

Downside is I'll be losing my remote which controlled my 3 squeezeboxes, might ask if I can pay to keep the remote :p
every interaction I've had with them has been superb :)
just asked if I can kep the remote or pay a fee to keep it, lets see what they say
they replied already, I can keep the remote as it works fine :)

Everyone's quick to kick off when things go wrong, some positive press for a change :p
Just drop em a phone call, sometimes they replace with proof of destruction other times they will require collection/delivery.

they've sent me a preprinted Parcel Force label to print and drop item off at the PO
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