Logitech G19 - Aida64 HW Monitoring

16 Apr 2004
First of all a disclaimer - I've searched high and low and while I've found passing references to Aida64, mainly the benchmark tool(s) part of the program, I've not seen a thread dedicated to creating/developing G19 applets for Aida64.

I'm not sure how many, if any, other Logitech G19 owners on here use Aida64 but I thought it would be helpful to have a thread where we could collate and share ideas and/or tips for the LCD aspect of the program.

So to start with here's where I've got to with about an hour spent on my "applet" so far -


The bar under the FPS counter will reflect the movement in FPS in game, hence it's just blank in Windows. Likewise the bars for the NIC.

I'm also open to idea's and/or suggestions on how to better utilise the space in the bottom left. It just seems a bit of a wasted space at the moment.
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