Logitech G600 Mouse Buttons

29 Dec 2009
I currently have a Corsair M90 which is fine, but I'm wondering..


Quick question about the Logitech G600.. Are they actually defined as "Mouse buttons", or do you have to assign the keys on the side to an already existing button/key.

I hope that makes sense but to give you a bit clearer explanation.

My current mouse has;
Mouse Button 1 - LMB
Mouse Button 2 - RMB
Mouse Button 3 - MMB
Mouse Button 4 - Left Side Button 1
Mouse Button 5 - Left Side Button 2

And after that about 7 other buttons, but my computer, and software (i.e. teamspeak and games) does not detect them as buttons, and they have to be programmed via Corsair software so they have another purpose
I've had mixed results;

BF3 doesn't register anything past G13, which works out as 5
HL2 Recognises all the way up to G20 which is =
Saints Row 4 recognises up to = as well.

Currently I don't have the G600 software installed so can't change what the buttons do and changing profile on the fly stops the additional buttons from working.
I can not comment on the side buttons as I have not got into really programing them yet but I did want to throw in that this mouse has a third "ring finger" button that can be tricky. It came set on mine as a dpi drop for sniping but the top buttons are very sensitive and for me at least it takes some getting used to to not accidentally click it.

The mouse is also very light and depending on your grip I have issues with slightly pulling up on the front of the mouse due to the lack of weight and the curve on the back of the mouse so I lift off quite a bit. It is not the most comfortable mouse I have ever used.

I know that does not help with your other questions but I just wanted to throw that in before you pull the trigger.
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