Logitech Media Elite keyboard

6 Dec 2005
i have the keyboard that is in the title.

i was wondering if there is anyway that i can cahnge the symbol that appears when i press a key, because thay seem to be differnet from normal.

e.g. the @ symbol key is Shift and 2 instead of just Shift and ' key

all the other keys are messed up as well i carnt even get a pound sign, i get a # symbol instead and pressing the key with the # on i get the same as the | \ key.

the pressing of Shift and 2 and Shift and 3 seem to be the only ones that are messed up in the numbers department the others are the hash and squiglly line key and also the '@' key which gives " symbol.

Does anybody know how i can resolve this? ive looked in the settings thing that come on the driver installation disc and i carnt find anything, i also have the latest drivers. (the driver disc that came with it is uptodate)
thats sorted it out thank you very much, i now have the all important Welsh Euro sign £
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