Logitech Mx Master issues

18 Oct 2002
Has anyone with one of these had any success in getting logitech to admit there's a fault with the scroll wheel? Its widely reported online but logitech apparently seem to deny its an issue, basically the scroll wheel gets stuck in either ratcheting mode or free spin mode. To fix it you basically have to open the mouse up and realign a peg on the mechanism, then it works again...for a matter of weeks before going **** up again. A right pain in the arse when you're playing a game online and your weapon decides to switch on its own because the mouse wheel is so sensitive in free spin mode.

I'm awaiting a response back from them but going from what i've seen online they pretty much refuse to acknowledge the issue. It's even meant to be inherent in the newer version of the mouse the master 2s, £80 mouse and sold with a known issue that will eventually crop up :rolleyes:.

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