Logitech to Acquire Ultimate Ears

Could be great, logitechs warranty support is excellent.

Hopefully they won't start cost cutting left right and centre.
I can't decide if this is good or not. I'd be surprised if UE needed Logitech and it runs the danger of diluting their otherwise excellent activities. On the other hand it will probably aid logitech's existing offerings and help them develop new ones. So probably bad for UE and good for Logitech - whether it's good for the consumer we will see.
I don't see this as a good move personally. Logitech seem to be really struggling on the logistics side of things at the moment as far as we're concerned with lots of products not available to buy. Look at the G25s, they've been out of stock for 6 months almost and as soon as they come into the channel Logitech run out instantly and have nothing to sell again. If Ultimate Ears gets added to this then it may turn out worse for the consumer and not better.

If they can keep the stock readily available then potentially a good move.
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