Logitech X-530's

8 Jul 2003
In a house
Hi everyone,

Right had these speakers ages now, but they tend to pick up some foreign radio station, now ive had it for ages, but it has not been a problem as it has been very quiet, and the only way i could hear it was to have the speaker pressed right up against my ear, and even then it was faint, and when im gaming etc... they sound perfect.

Now for a while now the foreign interferance has become louder, i can hear it from all speakers pretty loud now, and i can hear it over my gaming etc... but it only happens at night for some reason.

Now ive noticed if i turn the volume up half way it totally disappears, but thats way to loud, so ive been thinking you know how windows has got volume control, and also ive got one for each of my speakers in the drivers, and ive got all those up full, ive been thinking could i turn the volume down there, or in windows, then when im gaming etc... ill be able to have the volume of my speakers set to half way, and it will be pretty quiet still as ive got it turned down in windows/my drivers etc... if you see what i mean, so i can get rid of the interferance alltogether, and when the speaker volume is set to half way, it wont be as loud as normal as i have it turned down in windows, or my drivers.

Hope you understand what i mean, like if i have the volume turned down pretty low in windows etc... then ive got to turn my speakers up more to hear, and thus being able to put em up to half way, so the interferance goes, and its not to loud for gaming etc... or would it be a case of lowering the volume sliders if they have them through the game.

Thanks. :)
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Thanks, ill give it a go, yeah these speakers are konwn for pickig up the foreign radio, but as said it never bothered me before as i could never hear it, it ws only coming from 1x speaker, and it was really faint, so i don't know why its got worse. :)

EDIT: It works, all i had to do was turn down the master volume, so ive set it to a level thats fine, and i can have my speaker volume turned up to half way so theres no more foreign carp, but the big test for that will be tonight around 8pm onwards as its around then that it appears, but im sure when i turn it half way when i can hear it then it goes, so we'll see.

Thanks again. :)
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Well i tested it around 10pm, put the speaker up against my ear and it was very very faint, could just pick it up odd time, so its working perfectly now, the best position for me half way, as when its fully down its really loud, and when its fully up its the same really loud, but half way i cant hear it at all. :D

so theres a tip for anyone with these speakers, if you find you have to turn the speakers up really loud to get rid of the foreign inteferance, but its to loud, then just use the master volume in windows to turn it down, that way you can leave your speaker volume right up to where the inteferance goes, and just turn the volume down in windows so its not to loud. :)
They probably aint shielded, ive sorted mine now, no more foreign radio at all now, now that ive set the volume on the actual speaker to where it goes, and use the master volume in windows to control the volume, only have the popping of when lights are switched on/off to contend with now. :)
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