logitech z-10 speakers

7 Feb 2008
i have these speakers and was wondering if there was a control panel applet or a piece of software that will allow me to swap the speakers over, i.e the right speaker be the left speaker and the left be the right. i have had them positioned on my desk this way since i bought them and have only just realized they are the wrong way round and instead of swapping them over as i have gotten used to having the controls closer to my bed was wondering if i could just swap the sound around if you get my drift :) i have them connected via the usb and have vista any help much appreciated, cheers..
anyone? or am i not making any sense and everybody just think im crazy lol.
to try and make more sense, the right speaker has touch controls on it and i want to have it positioned on the left of my desk so i need to have the sounds for the left going to the right speaker :)
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