Logitech Z10's - opinions please ?

18 Jun 2005
Anyone have these ?
Have seen them on sale in my local shop at 50% discount. Was considering the aego's till I saw these. Other plus is no sub, so no mess with wires, (trying to get things tidy over lack of space). And can plug it in via usb, and use the outputs on rear of souncard for headphones. Rather then having to swap connections or use front port for headphones which I find can introdcue interference. Also has some cool features on the LCD. Just wondering if the lack of sub is really noticeable in games and if the Aego M sound quality is in a different league.
When i worked with the purple shirts i noticed some of these were on display with a random laptop. I must say it was the best sound quality i have heard come from pc speakers. For months i have been wanting them. They were way better than my bro's £50 logitech 2.1's with a £55 X-fi extrememusic sound card.

How much are they actually on sale for?
Purple shirst where I live in Ireland normally gouge at 139 euro.
But I saw them on sale for 69 euro which is cheap for this country.
I agree.

I've had various Hifi and PC setups and the Z10's do not embarass themselves. Even comparisons with 2.1 systems with subs they are atonishingly capable.

The look awesome too.

For £54 i'd definitely have them.

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