Logitech z5400 Power Cable

8 Sep 2006

Made the plunge and got me some 5.1 z5400's

Now im dead arsed off, reason:

The cable suppled was the 2 pin version simaler to shavers here in the UK, im just guessing they sent me the american version?

And if so, am i safe to plug this thing in to the wall using a shaver converter?

Thank you for your time! speedy replys are ace! :D
Judging by your description it might also be a 2 pin european plug, as both my Sherwood Amps have one of these on them. You can get these really nifty plugs that you open up and clip the two pin plug into , close it back down and its a 3 pin plug. Loads of popular stores sell them :)

I just used a regualr 3 pin plug instead..

iirc the only difference between the two is that the uk plug has the earth connector.. they both pull the correct voltage/current and as long as you have a 3+ amp fuse you should be fine :)
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