Logitech Z5500 and XFI Problem, PLEASE HELP

30 Aug 2003
Hi guys, I need help, before I go bald from pulliung all my hair out.

Recently bought myself a brand spanking new pair of Logitech Z5500's with a Creative X-FI, so I was well Happy!
Got it all set up, and did the 5.1 surround test (left front, middle, Front Right, back left, back right, subW)
and it all seemed fine and dandy.

Yesterday at work, I remotely connect to my PC to "tweak" a couple of things, but when i came home and flicked on
a DVD ... the centre speaker, and the back speakers didnt work (hear the ambient sounds but not when the characters talk)

**Yes it's set to 5.1 in the creative settings, aswell in system and on the control unit, also, yes the speaker volumes are all set correctly, yes the DVD is'nt bought in the Tesco parking lot :p**

To sum it up, I have gone through every setting imaginable, in the creative options thing, the Logitech input settings
I even did a System restore to last friday, when everything worked fine.

* Yes the its plugged in right
* Yes I updated drivers for the hell of it
* Yes I have swapped the normal cables, and used a coax to minijack cable

The "best" I got it to be... is that now I can hear Left Front, Middle, Right Front ... BUT ... when it does the rear
speaker tests, the sound comes from the front speakers! (rear right comes through front right etc!!)

I Re-enabled the onboard sound and disabled the sound card ... now unfortunately I dont have any tool to check the
channels like in the creative suite has, so I cant rule out hardware error (which i seriously doubt it is).

If ANYONE with the same set-up as me can give me some advice, I would be in your dept forever, since it's driving me loopy.
If ANYONE who doesnt have the same set-up... but might have a clue... please feel free, since I'm all out of ideas.

Thanks in advance

ps: if you would like to add me to msn, please feel free [email protected]

pps: if this is in the wrong section, sorry dons, please move
is it the same with all dvd's? reinstall the drivers, also put the another speaker in the centre and see if that works then if it does its borked.
What program are you using to watch the DVD? I used VLC and had to manually set 5.1 despite having it all setup as 5.1 in other settings. Might work, all I can think of at the minute, brain fried.
The hardware is fine, since they actually work fine, the channels just arent split "correctly" even tho its "wired up" correctly.

The program I'm using to play the DVD is irrelevant, since when I do the surround test using the creative ulility where it makes a White noise/Spoken voice to go through every speaker, doesnt do the back speakers correctly :(
I have an X-Fi and the Logitech Z-5500s and I haven't come across anything like this. It would seem from your description that some cables are in the wrong place!

First job would be to recheck every single cable. I find marking the cables at each end helps eliminate mistakes. If that doesn't work, try the cables that came with the speakers.

Apart from DVDs what is the sound like? MP3s and other sound files should be played on all speakers so if any arent playing you may have an actual hardware problem - assuming your media player is setup to use all speakers.

Hey SiriusB, it cannot be the cables, because like i said, if I do that sound test thing... the front three goes fine, then the back to, play out of the front two (back left plays outta front left etc)
Would you be a star, and add me to msn, if you wouldnt mind, so I can go through each option with ya tonight when I get home from work.
Ill recheck all the cables, then we can sit on msn and go through the creative settings?
Okay just added you mate. Used the addy in your profile so if it is wrong better tell me now :D

Seems strange that the rear channels are going through the front speakers. On the face of it this sounds like you're in 3.1 or 4.1 mode or something and not 5.1.

I'll be available for most of the night after about 5pm. Also, if you send me a message and I don't reply just hang on - I have a habit of wandering off for a bit :D

Ive had this happen after using trillian and microphone. for some reason it forcably takes over a channel and stops a game or whatever using it. using spdif from nero showtime and a dvd all i got was loud static, but using inbuilt analogue decoder it was missing some sound channels. Nothing a reset didnt cure though so not sure what might be wrong with your setup :| Does changing the xfi playback mode help at all or dissabling cmss ?
PLayback mode .. you mean.. gaming, Entertainment, or Decoding.... no havent tried that, will do later, thanks.
Disabling cmss , dont know what that means tbh :confused:
sup3rc0w said:
PLayback mode .. you mean.. gaming, Entertainment, or Decoding.... no havent tried that, will do later, thanks.
Disabling cmss , dont know what that means tbh :confused:

CMSS-3D in the X-Fi console options. Third icon from the right, says 3D.

Try fiddling with that and see what happens.

Also, apologies if I wasn't online - I had a problem with my brothers PC not connecting to the network. Turned out to be a dodgy cable - had to go out and get a new one :(

I had the exact same problem, i fixed it by re-installing the drivers, well actually i decided to re-install windows first then re-install the drivers as windows was all messed up.
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