Logitech z5500 blown fuse what type to buy

30 May 2005
Carlisle UK
My z5500 have blown the fuse in the sub.What amp are they? It has t2h250v stamped on it.Does anyone know who stocks them.I read in other posts that logitech will post me one but could do with them back on.

Not quite, they are slower again and although unlikely, it presents more chance of damaging the equiptment by using it (by overheating) . Slow blow are more common usually anyhow.
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Best thing to do is get in contact with Logitech Support and they will post you out one, this is what they did for me for my Z680s. :)
This is quite a common problem with these speakers. When I had the Z5500's it happened twice. Both times I contacted Logitech and they sent a new one out within 48 hours.
The fuse in my Z680s has only blown once in over 3 years, they are in use every day, so I can't complain about that, and the Support from Logitech then was very quick indeed. :)
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