Logitech Z5500 Fuse

14 Jan 2005
Lincoln, UK
The fuse has blown in my Z5500 speaker set (fuse tested).

Its a 250V T2H 20mm fuse. these dont seem to appear on ******s search for me so not sure how easy a replacment will be to get. Any hints on where I might be able to find some ?

I do have a fair few T2A fuses. Would it be safe to use these in place of a T2H ? these T2A fuses sem much easier to buy online also.
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My spare fuse blew too. So I got a new set sent out.

That blew aswell. so I rolled up the metal bit of a floppy disk, cut it to size and wedged it in.
Both sets now work and have done for a while :) (Boom soon? Well, logically if they draw more than 3a the plug fuse will cut out, but hey!)
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