Logitech z5500

18 Apr 2004
I have a set of these and I was wondering if any one had hurd of any problems with them or similar equiptment in the past, or even the same problem on another brand... Ok so my speakers work perfectly all day long but when I walk across the room the speakers pop, when theres nothing their they pop, but then other time thier fine, also I get an issue where you can hear 2 channels at the same time, very similar infact to when your listening to the radio and then some random french station broadcasting at the same freaquency can be hear under the sound you are listening to, this is a strange thing because it doesnt matter what speaker levels or volume you use, and what input of effect it happens randomly and only stops when off, and it also seems to happen more often on a friday night.

I hope some one can help I had an idea that the pops might be from a bad cable but i cant find any thing wrong or loose, and I also throught that the ghost sounds might be coming down the AC cable from another appliance but I'm not sure where or how to stop this.
Mine pop, but only when I plug or unplug another appliance...maybe you've got other people in the house plugging/unplugging on the same mains loop.
Mine POP as well :mad: ....I wanted to use mine for my XBOX360,DVD player and normal TV sound,,but the popping noise they making has really put me off...

And am pretty well struck with them,,as there to big and heavy to post if i tryed to sell them on..

And i have seem many other people saying about there's making the popping sound as well...So it has to be a very bad fault with the Z5500.

On a side note = sometimes the buttons on the my plod and remote control don't work on mine..Then the speakers will pop and everything works fine again.
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To be honest the poping isnt so bad, im trying to watch human traffiking on Sky one as I write this and all though their is now poping and the sound if clear, you can hear a muffled deep and distorted sound in the background. Its so loud at times you can't watch it, I love these speakers and dont want to send them back to amazon which I could. They are lovely speakers, crystal clear audio and very loud if nessisary so I just want this muffling to go.
have you tried plugging them directly into a wall socket rather than through a multi adapter if you are doing this i know on my housemates his popped constantly because they were on the same circuit as fridge which sapped power when the compressor turned on. anything is worth a try.
Well mine pop as well although better plug board helped, i put it down to the house electricals.

The muffled noise also happens but not all the time and i've put it down to the speaker cables picking up a radio signal under certain atmospheric conditions, seems daft to me, but i read it might be possible.
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