Logitech Z5550 stands


base dimensions are 95Wx110D quite large I think for most satellite speakers but they do have the wall fixing bases, but I dont want them hung on the wall as it will look untidy.

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I bought these some time ago, and made a DIY add-on bracket so I didn't have to take off the lugs. It may not look good but it does the job.

As I encountered when I did, once the U shaped stand comes off its quite a challenge to put it back on. The inside nuts drops off, and requires the speaker to be completely disassembled to be put back on. The nut sits in a mould. Once its out you have to be careful as it magnetized itself to the speaker. Well sticks to the magnet in the speaker. Quite a job getting the casing off without damaging the speaker itself.

The black plastic edges are put on with double sided tape to the grey outer shell.

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