logitech z680

9 May 2007
just bought a pair of these for £60 to use with ps3. now when i first connected it up the sub want working and making a hissing noise.i tried changing wires. using different source and it still wouldnt go away. now while messing about with the wires i accidentally turned it off through the main switch on back of the sub . now when i put it back on the sub was fully working. is it worth getting a full refund of the guy as it was kind of faulty and buying something else or should i try getting him to give a bit of the money back and keep these?
I have had a set of Z680s for the last 5 years (still sound very good), the only problem I experienced, was a fuse blowing (located on back of sub at bottom) on one occassion, which Logitech promptly sent out to me.

There was a bit of a problem early on in their release with a hiss problem being caused by the Control panel, Logitech fixed this by releasing another Control panel which if you rang them up they would send out to you....

As regards what to do in your present situation, before deciding, try and isolate the cause, ie. was it just getting the wires mixed up (and they are working ok apart from that), also can you reproduce the hiss again, then if nothing is actually wrong with them, I would not bother doing anything, as the problem was cause by User error, but if there is a genuine fault, I would ask him for a refund (I think £60 was a bit much to pay for them) and buy something else. :)
what do you thinks a decent price to pay for them working?.
and also what do you mean by the hiss problem as their is a hiss from the center speaker when its playing or not playing
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what do you thinks a decent price to pay for them working?.
and also what do you mean by the hiss problem as their is a hiss from the center speaker when its playing or not playing

After having a look around (2nd hand prices), it seems that £60 is a "fair" price after all.

When the Z680 series was first released, when the unit was on (but not playing anything), and the volume turned up a bit, it was noticed that some people experienced a continuous "hiss" from the centre speaker, Logitech tracked this down to being caused by the Control Panel, they then released another version of the Control Panel that fixed the hiss issue. The individual was able to get the new Control panel by ring up Logitech Support, they then got you to press a few buttons on the Control panel, to see what version you had, and if you had an early version, they replaced it with the new version.
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