LOL, another fake CF card...

20 Oct 2002
Just got a 512MB Sandisk CF card (just the basic entry level stuff) to use in my Ixus that I keep in my car. Opened it up and it has no serial number :rolleyes:

I wish I could tell you where I got it but that would be against the rules. I will say though that it is a big name (not an auction site).

I only purchased it from them as I was ordering some other stuff at the same time.

Fun, fun, fun!
I got a 256mb one from canon with my 350d and it has no serial number. Check the transfer rates against another card to see if its fake or not.
Well, I don't know, but surely you can benchmark the speeds in a card reader?

Maybe you can check the results you get against the results on the manufacturers site :)
Very few card readers actually get anywhere near the maximum performance of a CF card.

Even if it did perform fine if it is indeed fake (which I am almost certain it is since it doesn't have a serial number) I don't want it. I have no idea how long it will work for or if it will corrupt any data on it.
Not certain no, but afaik all Sandisk CF cards have serial numbers (this is how they are registered for example) and this one doesn't.
Got an e-mail back from them today. They are sending me a replacement and are paying for me to post the "original" one back to them.

Will be interesting to see if the replacement has a serial number!
The new one should have arrived today so when I get home I'll take a look. I was suprised to get it especially since the company in question is an authorised reseller.
You did the right thing, i was just researching it and it seems there's a lot of trouble with counterfeit cards. Least i know when to spot a fake now!
5bjoshua said:
You did the right thing, i was just researching it and it seems there's a lot of trouble with counterfeit cards. Least i know when to spot a fake now!

If they are clever enough to be able to produce fake cards, they should be clever enough to put a fake number on them too?

Buying from a reputable firm doesn't seem to be the answer either!

EDIT: I bet everyone is looking at their cards now. I have 2 x Lexar CF cards with NO serial numbers, the Card that came with Canon, Marked Canon on the front and SanDisk on the back has NO number. The only one with a dedicated number is a Viking CF card..... strange hey?
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No sign of the CF card, will give them until tomorrow and then chase it.

....the Card that came with Canon, Marked Canon on the front and SanDisk on the back has NO number......

You are the 2nd person to say that in this thread. I might ring Sandisk up tomorrow to get their official line on it.

I'm really suprised Sandisk aren't doing more to protect their brand. For example, there is no information on their website how to spot a fake or to report someone selling fakes. A lot of people must get a fake Sandisk card and not know it's fake then when it goes wrong or under performs assumes Sandisk is a bad brand.
Still no replacement card :rolleyes:

In other news I opened a case with Sandisk and they have confirmed ALL there CF cards should have a serial number. Bit worrying that some of the people have had ones from Canon with no serial number!
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