......well, not quite:
Just seen this on the BBC News Website. This first thing to catch my attention wasn't anything to do with the cat, it was the first few words of the sub-heading:
At first I was thinking the calibre of BBC journalism has reached a new low, but then I thought is this just super-PC deliberate, like you can identify as being autistic without actually having the condition? Like Loretta and his right to have babies from Monty Python.
Anyway, I'm fully behind Sainsbury's. What if said cat takes a dump on the deli counter or attacks someone? This might sound harsh to some, but Ian and his cat can do one. If he can't do his shopping without his cat, or find a supermarket that has quiet times for autistic people (some did this during lockdown - don't know if any have continued to do so), perhaps he should visit Sainsburys.co.uk (other supermarkets are available) and have his shopping delivered to him at home.
Court fight looms over Sainsbury's cat ban
An autistic man is suing the supermarket giant for refusing entry to his assistance cat.
Court fight looms over Sainsbury's cat ban
Just seen this on the BBC News Website. This first thing to catch my attention wasn't anything to do with the cat, it was the first few words of the sub-heading:
An autistic man with autism....
At first I was thinking the calibre of BBC journalism has reached a new low, but then I thought is this just super-PC deliberate, like you can identify as being autistic without actually having the condition? Like Loretta and his right to have babies from Monty Python.
Anyway, I'm fully behind Sainsbury's. What if said cat takes a dump on the deli counter or attacks someone? This might sound harsh to some, but Ian and his cat can do one. If he can't do his shopping without his cat, or find a supermarket that has quiet times for autistic people (some did this during lockdown - don't know if any have continued to do so), perhaps he should visit Sainsburys.co.uk (other supermarkets are available) and have his shopping delivered to him at home.