London - Crystal Palace - men’s health pub

14 Jun 2004
not sure if this is of interest to any one :

"Dubbed the UK’s “first men’s health pub”, this pop-up will feature a range of educational events, panels and talks, all geared around the goal of helping punters understand the importance of men’s health."

Location :
Westow House

on the surface of it sounds good, and positive, try to break down some of the "stigma"? around health and health issues for men in an enviroment perhaps those more at risk? might go naturally.
a pub personally isnt were i would normally congregate unless out with others for a drink on a special occasion.

i thought i'd post it for people to discuss or even attend if desired.
Hopefully usfull to some one.

i thinkt he only thing i'm a bit disapointed about is a similar item for women (i.e. a simple one line, womens event forth coing) both of a seeming lack of awareness about general health and conitions and how many problems can be encountered.
i uderstand this is spesifcally aimed at mn though.
i guess thats one reason to call it a pub.
and one of the anwsers is just because you go to a pub doesnt mean you have to "drink"
pub also is associated with social interaction, and less of a serious tone.
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