London Guitar Show 2007 - Steve Vai

Man of Honour
24 Sep 2005
Just a quick heads up because I know a few forum members are fans.

Turns out Vai will be doing a 'Guitar Masterclass' at the 2007 London Guitar show. I always find it such a fun event anyway, but having Vai giving a lesson of some sort there is bound to make it a bit special. And its £5 more than the normal ticket, surely bargaintastic?!

Hope someone finds this useful :p
I may very well have a spare ticket going for the Steve Vai lesson at 12.30 if my friend can't go. If anyones interested I could pass it on at the door for the cost of normal entry, so say if you are and I'll let you know!
Have a spare Vai ticket going that I'll have with me and would happily sell for a tenner on the door, so say if one of you want it :)
riddlermarc said:
the Vai masterclass was, well, just him sat on stage answering a few random questions and playing some random legato licks..
Yep, I was pretty dissapointed. I'm not sure if it was Vai's fault but the whole question thing was dire. I was in the first session thing and had to go after an hour so left early. I really hope it improved for everyone else. Saying that, the rhythm demonstration and that whammy bar solo thing he did were pretty entertaining!
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