London State of Mind: London's first urban independant movie

17 Nov 2007
Edmonton, North London
"Everything that irritates us about others can lead to an understanding of ourselves…London is a capital on the increase of gun culture, drugs, murder, and female decoys, so what really goes on? London State of Mind has the answer, be warned this is NOT another Bullet Boy or Rollin’ with the Nines. London State of Mind is a film with no frills, no gimmicks, and no **** ups, just true, pure, and honest reality!"

OK, I don't really know where to start with this! This is a new movie, out soon, will have a showing on Channel U soon for those thats interested! Basically the film is about two brothers, one good, one bad. One wanting to turn to music for his way out. While the other looking for crime as his way out, and trying to bring down the music guy on his way. As much as I'd like to put a link to the actual vid's on youtube, they contain swearing so I'd rather not, but a search for 'London State of Mind, Part #', '# being 1-3', will come up with the correct results. Now as much as this film may be shocking to some people, it is the actual account of a lot of young people living in London today, and very linked to a lot of London's teenagers these days. Showing viewers how life for a lot of people in this day and age have to do certain things to be able to get on with their life's.
From the actual promo for the movie, "80% of the cast are real criminals, with the majority having warrants out for their arrest, resulting in the cast being arrested on set, not your average actors, we know! The drugs seen in this film are real, real junkies, real weed, real alcohol…reality! There were also rumor's of drugs being sold on set as well as the camera crew being afraid to go on location. What has this got to do with the film? It’s realistic, again not your average Kidult hood". This movie isn't for the faint hearted, its for those that want to see what life is like for certain teenagers in London, and how they have to live their life's day to day. I don't know of any film in this day and age that has "80% of actors real criminals" or with "real drugs, junkies, and alcohol".
I am not trying to 'pimp' the movie in whatever sense, more so I am trying to educate people to what really goes on in todays world, aswel as what life is like for a lot of people in UK capitals in todays world.
The reason for making this thread is to inform people about these things, I do know the writer of the movie and the record label owners, but I am in no way trying to make them any money by promoting the movie, more so trying to educate people. Now a lot of people may be thinking I'm just trying to 'pimp' the movie, but I am not, I am a 23 year old from North London myself and can relate to a lot of stuff in the movie, maybe not by selling drugs or whatnot myself, but by knowing people that have to live this way to be able to get on with life in todays world.

After all the talk on other threads about whatnot, that I have read, without naming any in particular, I would like to know everyones thoughts on this after watching the youtube clips.

I would be very great full to hear some of your comments...

Thank you!
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Sir, I claim your account in the name of Tom0!

Is the film a documentary or is it like Bum Fights?

Sir Tom0l, there is no claiming of this account, I may not talk much but I know whats going on, and what 'claim' means, :p I am in no way 'claimed'! lol.

It is not like 'Bum Fights' (not that I have watched it) but it is more about what life is like for a lot of teenagers in London today, believe it or not, in London this is a true lifestyle of a lot of youngsters, not because of the life they might lead from it or whatnot, but because this is a way to live. I have no arguements with those that dont believe in this, knowing that I know a good few people that have to lead this life, and that it is a true account of what certain teenagers have to do these days on a 'day-to-day' basis, to stay alive. It might seen 'out of this world' to a few of you, but this is a real take on an average teenagers life in 'London' these days.

To your, 'how long would it take to obtain a firearm', or 'what would you do if someone broke into your home', this thread, and the movie's to go with it, is a real account of certain youthes lifestyles in London in this day and age!
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Ah right, so a film with true elements and a message/meaning :)

I'll keep an eye out for it, always looking for something to watch.

You couldnt be closer to the truth Tom0! This is a movie about true events, and true stories to what certain individuals have to deal with on a day to day basis! It might seem like nothing, or a 'bull****' story to some, but in all truth this is something that has to be dealt with day to day by certains youthes of London on a day to day basis!

I hope everyone can watch this and come to their own conclusion, it may be to adult for these forums, but it is a true account of what certain individuals have to go through on a day to day basis in London, and a lot of other Capitals in the UK these days, and I hope a least 1 person realises this via watching the clips!
Bear in mind, these clips have been available on youtube since last year, and are still made available for the adult audience, and I hope no one gets distracted by the adult content.
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Ah ha, see 'Eriedor', maybe so if it wasnt for the subs, you might not have a clue to what is going on, but you do now, because of them or not. This stuff that is going on in the real world, and I am glad you realise that, 'subs or not!', and I hope a lot of others realise this aswel!!!
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Just because certain people might interpriate the clips in different ways doesnt mean they are meant to be viewed in different ways. Food-drugs,weed to crack, food drugs, and 'shot' means 'to sell', food, to move or shot drugs, means to sell or supply them.
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