Long shot - Does anyone have a Ryzen 1000-3000 series they could loan for a BIOS update?

25 Dec 2011
Hi folks!

Haven't been on the OC Forums in a long long time :)

This is very much a long shot and I don't expect anyone to be able to help, but I thought I'd ask.

I've just done a new(ish) build with a combination of some old parts and some new.

The most interesting (in this thread case) is a Ryzen 5600.

The problem, is that my AB350 Gaming 3 motherboard, will not support this without a BIOS update.

Normally, if you're upgrading, this isn't a problem. You flash and then upgrade.

However, I no longer have my old 3600, as I sold in around December while I was travelling.

My motherboard does not support anything like Q-flash plus, so I can't upgrade the board with accessing the BIOS, like you can on many boards via USB with a flash button.

Does anyone on here have an old Ryzen Series 1-3 CPU, that I could possible borrow to flash my board, and then send back?

I hate to buy things unnecessarily and there is nothing wrong with my motherboard aside from not supporting my CPU on it's current BIOS version (F41 I believe).

Would be happy to put down a holding fee until returned and of-course would pay for shipping.

Apologies if this is against the rules.
Do not redeem.
Not sure I follow, but thanks for the.... input?

I actually discovered anyway that AMD do a Short Term Processor Loan Boot Kit for this exact problem.

I appreciate that this kind of post isn't really something that is asked these days.

My fault for still having that small community mindset :)

Anyway I'll leave the thread up in-case someone else comes across the issue and isn't aware of the BIOS Bootkit from AMD.
Not sure I follow, but thanks for the.... input?

I actually discovered anyway that AMD do a Short Term Processor Loan Boot Kit for this exact problem.

I appreciate that this kind of post isn't really something that is asked these days.

My fault for still having that small community mindset :)

Anyway I'll leave the thread up in-case someone else comes across the issue and isn't aware of the BIOS Bootkit from AMD.
Was just about to post about the boot kit from AMD , hope all goes well.

Don't let one reply dampen your spirit there are good people on here.
When this was a regular problem, you could get the old bristol ridge / athlon CPUs (link) as the cheapest way to update the bios. I had a quick look and you can get them from the big second hand place for less than £10. They won't buy them back close to that though, so you'd lose most of that £10.

An updated BIOS can lose support for these CPUs though, just a heads up.
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Was just about to post about the boot kit from AMD , hope all goes well.

Don't let one reply dampen your spirit there are good people on here.
It's all good!

I do understand the trepidation - it's just once of those things you would ask back on boards in days gone by :)

I hear the bootkit process normally takes about 1-2 weeks for most people, which is fine for me, so hopefully it all works out.
When this was a regular problem, you could get the old bristol ridge / athlon CPUs (link) as the cheapest way to update the bios. I had a quick look and you can get them from the big second hand place for less than £10. They won't buy them back close to that though, so you'd lose most of that £10.

An updated BIOS can lose support for these CPUs though, just a heads up.

Thanks for that, that's definitely an option I've considered and I've checked out the CPU support list.

And yeah indeed, some of the Athlons fall out of support beyond about F25. Even a 1300 is only about £12.

Still a good option though - I will await to see how quick AMD are to respond to the RMA for the bootkit.

If that isn't working out, I think that is my best option (and least wasteful).

Many thanks for your help!
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Not sure I follow, but thanks for the.... input?
It was just a joke. If you don't get it don't worry about it. No harm done. The thing is,unless I'm reading this wrong,is that you want to 'borrow' a CPU but yet you seem like some sort of expert on everything. Maybe it's just me.
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