long shot: Homepride dhansak curry sauce substitute (fenugreek?)

21 Apr 2003
South North West
About ten years ago, maybe more, Homepride ended their 'fancy' range of tinned curry sauces. The dhansak was my favourite curry sauce by a long, long way, and I was first introduced to it by a friend at uni in the 80's. I've never found anything similar in all the supermarket sauces I've tried.

Over the years I eventually identified the dominant flavour as fenugreek, but that hasn't helped me make or find a decent substitute.

These forums attract a wide range of ages and experience. Who knows, one of you might have a clue what I'm talking about. :-)

FWIW I believe it was marketed as a sauce for chicken, which definitely seemed to work best.

Darn, I've made myself hungry now. A curse on my neighbour for waking me and causing my mind to wander while I'm waiting for things to go quiet again! :->
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Thanks. The trouble with this kind of thing is that it's very hard to describe flavours in detail, and I lack to vocabulary to explain why this uniquely satisfying sauce was so darned good! :-) I've tried lots of variations, and hundreds of curries, but most -- to my palate anyway! -- are very hard to single out as distinctive when considered against their rivals.

I guess it's just back to doggedly trying anything involving fenugreek in decent amounts. That's definitely the key flavour.
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