Long time forum lurker, looking for advice on upgrade :)

15 Sep 2018
Greetings all, followed this forum for many years whenever I've had concerns with components or setups.
Just got into my first year at university. Now, beforehand I've already got a decent rig, gets through the new stuff easily enough and I'm happy with it but I do want to reward myself for making the cut.
With my part time work its been good going see the list below.

But really, what I'm looking for is thoughts and different views on the upgrade I'm looking for as a sort of
reward to myself for actually getting into uni. Looking to spend up to £700 really, nothing too overkill.

Current Setup
Mobo: Asus Sabertooth x79
RAM: 16GB Vengeance DDR3 @ 1600MHz
CPU: i7 3820 @ 3.8Ghz
Heatsink: Noctua, big one can't remember the exact model.
SSDS/HDDS: Multiple SSDS; Windows disk, 2 Games disks - 2TB Media Drive
Graphics: GTX 1070 Zotac Extreme

Personal Thoughts:
I'm thinking of making the switch over to DDR4, so new mobo, cpu and ram.
Thinking specifically one of the ryzen cpus with an aio,
However could just end up not noticing a huge difference, and I could spend the money on some
fancier peripherals. A set of spanking new KRK's or maybe a foray into 4k.

Visual Studio // Numerous Dev Environments
Friendship :( lol

tl;dr - Is the switch from old socket and ddr3 to the new stuff really worth it?
Anyway any suggestions and or different opinions are really appreciated. Honestly just different ideas are all I need. If you've got any other suggestions on subwoofers btw that would also be appreciated looking for one right now ;)

- Cheers.
Spend the whole budget on a Gsync 1440p monitor?

I can't see £700 on cpu/mobo/ram making £700 worth of improvements

Yeah ExRay, that's pretty much what was going through my head. The gains won't really justify spending 700 quid if noticeable at all.
Overclocking has been something I've done in the past orbital, but I'd rather my cpu to last longer in the long run - I did have a 4.2ghz clock at one point.
But yeah I'm probably going to end up using the budget to make the setup smoother to use as really the spec just now runs everything I want fine. Maybe pick up a pci-e ssd for boot times if at all.
Cheers guys d:
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