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Longevity of X99...?

31 Dec 2006
Given plenty of people are still happily chugging away on Sandy and Ivybridge, that surely bodes well for X99 doesn't it? How long before CPU tech renders it necessary of an upgrade? Hard to imagine at this stage, unless you have very specific uber power multi-threaded needs.
I am still on x79 and wont be changing for at least 4 to 5 years...my 4930K really doesn't break a sweat on anything ...so am sure x99 will last a very long time

Only upgrade when you PC cant do what you need it to..
The Skylake-E platform will be replacing the X99 platform at the hight end of the desktop market once Intel releases it.

I expect Skylake-E should have a decent boost in performance compared to the X99 platform Haswell-E/Broadwell-E.
If Skylake-E is supposed to be getting pci-e 4.0, would that mean existing x99 motherboards are out of luck? Or would it just be a firmware/bios update?
Just moved to a 5820k and it never breaks a sweat. Will do me for at least 5 years, hoping for more like 10 though!
God it will last years im still chugging away on an x58 here:o only thing i ever upgrade is the GPU:p

The only issue with staying with x58 the platform is that modern GPUs will likely bottleneck a lot more on this platform at some point in the near future due to this platform only supporting PCI Express 2.0.
I'm still on X79 (have a 3930k) and it runs everything perfectly. No game really comes close to stressing it. I won't upgrade until at least 2017 (I bought this system in May 2012) so that's a good 5 years. I could probably wait longer if I upgraded the GPU before then (I currently have 2 AMD 7950's in Crossfire).

X99 will easily last 5 years if not longer.
If Skylake-E is supposed to be getting pci-e 4.0, would that mean existing x99 motherboards are out of luck? Or would it just be a firmware/bios update?

PCI X support is on the CPU in the Main not the MB. Broadwell E wont have 4.0 and Skylake E will not be compatible. So no it wont be a bios update.

X79 is still a great platform as many suggest X99 even better adding DDR4 support. X99 is future proof enough to be worth upgrading to now.
Thanks for the info 8pack. Nothing in the rumours that broadwell-e is getting canned in favour of skylake-e then?
The only issue with staying with x58 the platform is that modern GPUs will likely bottleneck a lot more on this platform at some point in the near future due to this platform only supporting PCI Express 2.0.

aND THE FACT ON MY X58 I DONT HAVE hardly any usb 3 ports and my ssd is crippled as its aa none intel chip etc.

Its the only reason im looking at upgrading my 4.2Ghz i7-950. Nothing seems to make it sweat too much but all the extras on the platform i am missing :(
When you buy into an enthusiast platform like X99 it may cost more but in return you get longevity more configuration possibility’s and the extra performance of more cores.
I'm still running a first gen i7 here and while I have the itch for an upgrade I may hold off for Skylake E.

I suspect the X99 platform will hold well for a good length of time. I think we're approaching the ends of what silicon can offer and there isn't much difference between different gens anymore.
I've gone X99 (5930k) from an i7 3770k and I've noticed no extra performance what so ever.
I'm now on 2666Mhz DDR4 which is up from my old 1600Mhz.

The main difference in my opinion is the raft of USB 3 ports I now have, the onboard M2 slot (Samsung 951 rocks!!) and the fact I now have 40 lanes of PCI-E (Although I'm running a single GPU at the minute).
Should keep me going for a good 4 years or so.
Performance on the X99 platform is more application specific, if you are looking for a boost in gaming you will not see much in general but that said windows 10 and DX12 will use more cores. :)
aye I keep hearing that broadwell-e wont happen - Intel are quietly skipping broadwell for a huge skylake/ddr4 for mainstream desktop

anyway - X58 is still going well! an i7-990x is still quick even for today!
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