look my website part2

18 Oct 2002
i have made my own theme called 'xoops modified' or 'xmod' :D

you can select themes between default or xmod to see the differences i have made.

also you dont need to register to post in my forums :D

i still need to more modifications and add more modules

what do you guys think of it?

I like the blue gradient, it's nice :)
I don't like the thick, inconsistent borders.
IMO the Menu should be above Login.
On the bottom box thingy, it would look better if the text was centred vertically. I think you can use "vertical-align" in CSS or something like that.
I think you should put some kind of logo in the banner as it looks a bit empty.

Edit: I only just realised there are links in the text.
You should make them underlined or something.
Shane5578 said:
ic didnt think anyone would notice the inconsistancy of the borders lol.

now its been mentioned i can, a bit ;)

Like the nice clean look to it overall. Also, on a personal note i would have to add some styling to the input area on the form. I couldn't leave it as default.
Shane5578 said:
ic didnt think anyone would notice the inconsistancy of the borders lol.
that was the first thing i noticed, first impressions count - so make sure it's not too sketchy :p

I'm afraid to say I really dislike the header font you've used, and the 'home page' bar is pretty unecessary tbh, plus it's massive, get some padding-top on the footer too. :)
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