Looking at a new SuperZoom Camera

18 Oct 2002
I'm looking for some advice, I am in the market for a new Superzoom, as I want to good zoom, but also want the larger sensor on them, but don't want the full SLR, and the myriad of lenses.

I have been umming & arrrrring over the following, and would like some advice:

Canon SX50 HS
Nikon P520
Panasonic FZ200
Sony HX200
New Panasoninc FZ72 (New Model)

I want a good zoom, preferably GPS, and Raw Format, but apart from the I'm not sure about which one is the best.
I've got the Panasonic FZ150 and it's a great camera, the FZ200 is the upgrade, I've not read anything about it but check out dpreview.com they've probably got a review of it.

No doubt some people on here will tell you you'd be better off getting a dslr but bare in mind you'll need different lenses etc to match the zooming abilities etc. And whatever they say, you can get great pictures with a superzoom bridge camera...
I owned a FZ200 - great little camera, the lens in my opinion is the best in the bridge class. It has a great zoom, does RAW but no GPS. I recommend it but haven't used the others.
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