Looking at a Toshiba A200-28P

16 Jan 2007
Tbh the purple shirts have that model for 699 too, so you should definately be able to find one; although they've sold out in my store and we didn't get many in as a chain (doh!), so you might want to order it from them online, or do some stock searches before going to the stores :)

I remember its that model as it has a slightly funky looking touchpad (icons on it), but all in all looked like a nice laptop, just sold out fairly quickly :)

Games wise the mobility HD2600 seems to get around 4-4.5K in 3DMark 06, so its capable of running modern games on low settings fairly well.

Am hoping this post doesnt break competitor rules, as the query and response are particularly in regards something OcUK don't sell, can't provide in the same way easily, and lets be fair, whom generally sell to a slightly different market.
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