Looking - Decent mp3 player ~£150

28 Dec 2007
Title pretty much covers it. Using a Zen Micro 4gb that I've owned for the last 2-3 years. Battery is pretty much shot (lasts 2-3hours top), case is knackered, but it served me well on my 2 hour round trip to work.

What I'm looking for:

8GB minimum space.
Decent sound quality, with option to modify EQ
Decent menu system

I can live without everything else really. Video playback and all the other gimmicks are not required.

Also looking for suggestions on head phones. Around £50 mark.

I currently use Sennheiser PX200 headphones. Can't stand the in-ear type due to them not staying in, and that fact they irritate my ears. I see people here rate the PX100s which I though were really bad. Couldn't handle the bass, and sounded really shallow.

For player, Cowon D2? It's one I keep planning to try next time I'm in Edinburgh. I also liked the look of the iRiver Clix2, but had a play with one and it felt a bit cheap, low build quality? I'm of the belief that digital players should survive in pockets and bags and stuff withoug being molly-coddled.

Heeadphones, stretch your budget a tiny bit:

Alessandro MS1
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