Looking for a 55" tv, £700 budget, any recommendations?

29 Jan 2006
So its time for a new tv, the old samsung plasma is looking a bit bulky and its 8 years old now.

Does anybody know where the best deal on a 55" is at max £700?

I will be playing the odd pc game on it, I only game at 1080p, got the ps4 and sky hd too, dont want 3d really. Just looking for the best deal.

Cant do with anything smaller really, current one is 50" and want a little bit bigger to be honest. Slimmer the better as its going to be wall mounted.
I have to agree with thevoice the 55"w829 is a bargain for the price..grab one while you can:)

I own the 50"w829 and for gaming its excellent the input lag is super low so its ideal for PS4 and PC :)

Same. Dunno how many times it has to be said, just go Sony. For that price it's a bargain, I own a 50" W829 as well.
I'd love to go for it myself but 55" is just a bit too big. Eyeing up the (annoyingly more expensive) KDL-50W755C instead.

Do people have problems with Sony & their DRM protection approach?

I'd like to watch digital versions of films from my collection and worry that the Sony would try and block these when others would play them.

Was set to pull the trigger on that exact tv but got warned off by a friend and am now looking at Samsungs which seem either more expensive or not as good.

I've never heard of Sony's TVs having Cinavia or any other DRM but I suppose it's possible. Easy enough to just use an alternative player in that case though.
haha, dont worry, my wife is only part time, its all my surplus that goes into the savings, but it does mean her new sofas are going to take a back seat for a month or 2
whats the deal with wall mounting this thing, do I need to buy that 50 quid sony mount or can it be hung on a regular bracket some way?
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