Looking for a basic psu

23 Jan 2005
Hi I am looking for recommendations and also what to avoid, it’s for a basic desktop with a couple of fans one hard drive and a dvd writer, will only be used about 1hr a day and only for web browsing 16Gb ddr3 and an old amd black edition cpu(forgot which one)using onboard graphics, any help ?
I'm planning on using my current 4690k as a work pc once I get my Zen 2 system built. Will need a cheap psu to power my old machine as the AX1200i will be moving over to the new setup. I was looking at an EVGA 500W psu for £30 (elsewhere) probably an older model, but like the OP would be running no gpu and just 1 ssd.
Thanks for that for under £25 delivered I took the chance and ordered it as I said it will be lucky to be used for an hour a day for web browsing, now I just have to find a way to fit it and tell my mother it was my sons old one so she doesn’t pay out
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