Looking for a cheap build for my kids...

5 Aug 2006
hi guys,

im trying to find either a laptop or a cheap pc build that i can put together that will at least allow minecraft,diablo3,warcraft to play on it.

I already have spare
500gb harddrive
windows 7 64
Corsair 550 Watt
Nov----- Stealth Micro ATX PC Case
8gb DDR3 memory

I have no idea of a budget at the moment until a few things sell which im using to fund this but as cheap as possible would be awesome.

huge thanks for anyone that takes their time to help me on this
You could get a dirt cheap 2nd hand fx8320 now that RYZEN is out, pair that with the cheapest rx470 or rx480 you can find, you would have a cracking little build on your hands there.
Didn't look to see how much an am3+ build and depending how soon you can fund the build to how soon the other boards be in, only the itx Intel board is in stock.

My computer would be able to run the games you suggested easy and my gtx 750 be weaker than the rx460.

My basket at Overclockers UK:

Total: £435.64
(includes shipping: £10.50)

thanks very much for the information guys thats a great help, i would love to go for the pc build at the bottom but at the moment only have £260 which i hope i will have more funds soon
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