Looking for a child proof lcd



27 Feb 2004
I have £1500 to spend on a lcd tv for the lounge, there are plenty of screens that take my fancy but how child proof are they? For example my current crt has hand prints halfway up the screen and sometimes my daughter will bank atoy against it. The tv is a magnet for my daughter and I'll be able to stop her from banging the tv with a toy but not all of the time.

Ideally I would like a lcd screen with a glass front to protect it but as of yet I don't know of any lcd screens that have a glass front.

Any advice from proud fathers and owners of lcd screens would be appreciated.
I have just purchased a 43" plasma, and will be wall mounting it.
For about a month my Son played with the TV, and more importantly fiddled with the AV rack. A few No's and mild telling offs and he does not play any more.
Another option is put a DVD on that is his (my son like the Thomas the Tank DVD) and when he fiddles, tell him off and switch the DVD off. Education is the way forward here.

Edited: due to filter deciding *** (as in the plural of no!!!) was a bad word :(
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Aren't there LCD's that have glass in front of the screen?

This is one of the reasons we went for a 32" CRT a year ago, as having a 3 year old son would mean the LCD would have a lot of dead pixels in a matter of hours :)
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