looking for a couple of movie scripts

What scripts are you after?

http://www.imsdb.com/ this has praticaly every script written. You can read them online too, I presume you can I had a quick look at the American History X script. Hope this helps you out with your quest in hand.:)
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droolinggimp said:
What scripts are you after?

http://www.imsdb.com/ this has praticaly every script written. You can read them online too, I presume you can I had a quick look at the American History X script. Hope this helps you out with your quest in hand.:)
sadly it doesn't... i'm looking for the "underworld" and "underworld:evolution" scripts. the only thing i can find is a really badly written half-finished underworld script. :/

looks like i'm going to have to write them myself. :(

although i've just had a brainwave... if i remember rightly there are movie shops where you can buy scripts. could be worth looking into. :cool:
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The site I usually hit, movie-page.com, doesn't have them. Will keep a look out for you.

By the way, seek, what's your obsession with Underworld all the sudden? You could just watch them a couple hundred times until you have them memorised. :p
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