Looking to pair a CPU with a 4090, but which ones should i get? here are some of my concerns at the moment.
Top priority is 3D work Blender , Maya, UE5 followed by gaming. Power consumption , cooling and running cost are also in my mind. the 4090 is already power hungry and expensive.
7950X3D - too expensive and a little fiddly with how is operates.
7950X - Performance king but runs hot ( Bills )
7800X3D - Great for games, cheaper, concerned 8 core / 16 T will be not great for production and may bottleneck the 4090 / could be bad for production tasks (my guess???) Not out yet
7900X3D - Bad reviews, not great for productivity apps
Intel - run cool at idle but runs very hot with tasks, better for gaming though
AMD - Runs hotter at Idle than AMD, but runs cooler and has better performance than the intel's for production ( clarify this please
Which one suspect i will mostly be doing the heavy lifting with the GPU so is a slower CPU a wise option?
Top priority is 3D work Blender , Maya, UE5 followed by gaming. Power consumption , cooling and running cost are also in my mind. the 4090 is already power hungry and expensive.
7950X3D - too expensive and a little fiddly with how is operates.
7950X - Performance king but runs hot ( Bills )
7800X3D - Great for games, cheaper, concerned 8 core / 16 T will be not great for production and may bottleneck the 4090 / could be bad for production tasks (my guess???) Not out yet
7900X3D - Bad reviews, not great for productivity apps
Intel - run cool at idle but runs very hot with tasks, better for gaming though
AMD - Runs hotter at Idle than AMD, but runs cooler and has better performance than the intel's for production ( clarify this please
Which one suspect i will mostly be doing the heavy lifting with the GPU so is a slower CPU a wise option?
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