Looking for a decent MP3 Player

27 Jan 2003
Chesterfield, UK
Can anyone recommend a decent MP3 player for around £100?
I will be pairing it with some Shure SE115.
Not interested in playing videos.

Currently using my HTC Desire for music but the standard player is rubbish. Not sure how this compares to a dedicated device?

I can pickup the Cowon I9 for £99. Any good?
I've the Desire S and while it's not bad as far as phones go, a dedicated player is significantly better. If you want a no frills music player then the Sansa Clip+ is a steal and plays pretty much every format out the box (and then some if Rockboxed). Cowon are renowned for having excellent sound quality but at £99 how much of that is going on the screen rather than the sound related components?

I bought a Sansa Clip+ for the wife about a year ago and Rockboxed it. With my current just gone through the wash headphones I couldn't tell that much difference between the Clip and Desire. I will have another compare when I recieve my Sure SE115 today and may get another.

Cheers guys
Received my Sure E115 a few days ago and I can now tell a big difference between the phone and clip. A bit of a revelation really. So I'm now tempted to take it up a notch a buy a Cowon J3. Might be overkill but I listen to music about 8 hours a day sometimes while I'm working. Then there is walking the dog twice a day on top.

Am I right in thinking the J3 is about the best player?
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