Looking for a Driving Sim for beginner

30 Jun 2006
just got hold of a wheel for my pc and im looking for a easy to get into driving sim. nothing too technical when it comes to controls or settings etc.

is there anything?
ok ive tried FLS demo and the control setup system is a bit tricky to get working properly, every time i tried to change anything the control of left and right would just go way out and mean me zig zagging over the roads. the actual game though is pretty impressive.
time now for Rfactor i think :D
ive tried playing with the settings but i couldnt make any sense to it after trying. i had to keep deleting the settings files to get it back to normal.
ill give gtl a go though once ive downloaded a demo for it, its only a tenner brand new though :cool:
well i tried and tried and tried with LFS, and im now just being able to go round a track once without too many spillages :p
still cant get my head around how to set up the wheel though, it seems very tempermental if it will go in a straight line or not :/
i just wish i could get the settings in lfs setup right and to stop zig zaging down the road, the settings are far too twitchy at stock and i can for the life of me work out how to adjust the wheel to make it less sensitive :(

i had a go on gtlegends last night but i didnt give it log enough to cast a proper judgement yet
Frost said:
To make the wheel less sensative on LFS, goto controls, then under wheel/js tab, second slider called wheel turn compensation, slide it to the right, as an example for my wheel i set it to 0.70

thanks very much mate, ill give that a shot now. :)
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