Looking For A First Bike - Commuter

15 Nov 2007
Sheffield, UK
Hey there, I'm looking for a 125cc bike that I can commute on (roughly 3 mile commute each way) Thinking of a honda/yamaha atm but am not really sure. I don't want to spend too much on the bike and will be selling it in about a year or so time. Really am clueless as i've never needed to look into this before. Also for consideration i'm 6ft tall so suitable sized one would be nice. Any suggestions? :o
Get a 90s brazilian honda cg 125. Do a million miles to the gallon and will never break. Can pick one up for around £500, i wouldn't bother getting anything newer than that as a first bike, especially if it's only for a year and seriously, change the oil every few thousand miles and a cg will outlive you.
If you want a proper bike, you can't really go wrong with a CG for basic commuting; it's as reliable as they come and very cheap to run. A 125 scooter would offer more practicality (you can store your helmet under the seat) and better weather protection however.

If you want something larger you could look at the Honda XL125 Varadero which is virtually a full sized adventure style bike. You'd have to see if the higher purchase and running costs would be worthwhile for for 6 miles a day.
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Honda CBF 125 (2009-current) might be up your alley, they start at around 1.2k used so kind of expensive for a 6 mile commute.

They are quite large for a 125 so would suit your height, i'm almost 6ft and i find mine very comfortable riding position wise.
Had a look at a Varadero earlier, it's a tad bit too expensive so i'm leaning towards a Honda CBF. Just wondering how much it'll devalue realistically, say I spent about 1500 on an average 2009/2010 CBF?
The Varadero will hold it's money, I bought mine from Ebay £1200 and sold it on Ebay £1400 9 months later, if you want depreciation free then Varedero all the way, unless you go and buy from a dealer that is.
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