Looking for a first bike...

3 Mar 2008
Canterbury, Kent
... Having overspent on buying gear (£850 and I still don't have trousers) my budget to get a bike is cut down to £650 maximum, is there anything out there I could pick up, really not wanting to save for 2 more months :-( Im not fussy on type, but I'd like a minimum of 400cc, just want to be riding!!!!
Ide check out Ebay, look for a Yam XJ600 Diversion, not particularly popular bikes so you should be able to pick one up cheap enough, would make a good solid winter hack.
Nice to see your taking gear seriously, but maybe too excessive! Considering what your leaving for the bike itself, id save another month so you have 1k atleast
I do like the xj600's, is it really a good idea to buy of eBay?

I was under the impression 1k on gear was recommended

Looks like I'll need to save till January
I do like the xj600's, is it really a good idea to buy of eBay?

Buying of eBay is really no different to buying of some one advertising in MCN, treat it the same, go see the bike, inspect it thoroughly etc, & never buy blind, don't forget, you get a lot of dealers selling on eBay.
Save up and buy something decent.
Last thing you want is to be getting used to a new bike *and* riding overly carefully on Winter roads!!

£850 is quite hefty, though... I have a £100 Caberg lid, £60 leathers, combat boots and gloves.
But if you're willing to drop that much on kit, you should show your choice of bike the same respect. Get the best you can manage.

The Divvy is a pretty solid choice, 600 or 900.
Personally, I'd not drop less than a grand (maybe 1500) on a bike unless I was sure it was sound and even then I'd be having a knowledgable friend offer a second opinion.
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