Looking for a funky cable/braided shoulder strap

20 Oct 2002
I remember ages ago seeing a nice braided rope (not leather) shoulder strap on here. I know there was one make very well recommended but I can't find it right now. Any ideas? Need to finish off that hipster look with my Fuji :o:p
Yeah like the paracord ones, but I thought there was a fairly reputable maker that made them (rather than homemade). Hmn. Definitely the style I was thinking of though.

EDIT: Ah I think it may have been the Cordy? :confused: https://www.cordweaver.co.uk/product-page/cordy-slider-lite

Looks like it comes in a big variety of lengths. What would be 'standard' for a neck strap that you could then put cross-body (with the camera on your back) where it can sit snug? *runs off to find string to measure*
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